Sample Sources
The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
Sefer ha-gilgulim (The Book of Reincarnations)
And now we will explain the root of Moses our Rabbi, may peace be upon him. Know that Israel was distilled in Egypt, as it was an iron furnace (Deuteronomy 4:20). And it is known that Moses…
Letter about the Travels of Abraham Rovigo
Abraham Rovigo (1650–1713) was born in Modena and studied kabbalah under Moses Zacuto in Venice. Rovigo’s wealth enabled him to devote himself to study and to support pious endeavors. Swept up by…
Bylaws of the Holy Society for Torah Study of the holy community of Kraków, instituted by our rabbis, the Rema [Moses Isserles], ha-Baḥ [Joel Sirkes], known by the title of his book, Bayit ḥadash [Ne…
Tsene rene (Go Forth and Look)
King Solomon (may he rest in peace) said: The righteous man walketh in his integrity [Proverbs 20:7]. Now this means that a man should follow God’s…
Tratado de la verdad de la ley de Moseh y Providencia de Dios con su pueblo (Treatise on the Truth of the Law of Moses and the Providence of God with His People)
So relentless and obstinate are today’s wars among men that it often happens that after having exerted every effort and diligence to avoid being vanquished, reaching the limits of their…
A Lovely Song about an Event in Hamburg
Which tells how a certain man took up with a prostitute in Hamburg, his first wife hearing of this came from Poland, how he was forced to give her a writ of divorce and this almost cost him his life…
The Age of Wonders
Autumn came and Father decided to put an end to the growing hostility surrounding us. We were already isolated, friendless, and bankrupt, deep in the heart of a cold, gray season. I was still going to…
So condolence visits is what they’re here for,sitting around at the Holocaust Memorial, putting on a serious faceat the Wailing Wall,laughing behind heavy curtains in hotel rooms.They get themselves…
I Protest
I wipe the dust off my books
with a small t-shirt, an old t-shirt
which was once my son’s. We have
more dust this summer than last,
and its composition is different…
Traveling and Passing
Traveling and returning. In the
Dirt paths of her forehead
Railroad trains anchor, yellow
Carriages locomotive flowers
In the fields of liberated Europe
Traveling and returning. In the shadows