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Sample Sources

The sources below are those contained in our three curated collections—covering themes of Passover, Gender Roles, and Holocaust Resistance. They represent a fraction of the thousands of sources that will be available when the full site launches in 2024.
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Ayelet ahavim (Hind of Love)

And it came to pass, when they gathered to go, joyous in their departure and glad to run the course, the great God raised His voice, and the sound of thunder swiftly turned silent. All gave ear to the…

Here Comes the Messiah!

…They landed in Lod at night, on the eve of the Day of Judgment. After lengthy procedures at the airport (a bureaucrat-girl with the same heavy accent, just as tired and pale, couldn’t understand, for…
Relief of man sitting on throne with figures standing on either side.
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Darius and Xerxes, Kings of Persia

Darius and Xerxes, Kings of Persia. Darius I (reigned 522–486 BCE) is seated on his throne, and his successor, Xerxes (reigned 486–465 BCE), stands behind him. The Bible refers to these kings several…

No Other Place

It is possible, it is very possible, that here it is impossible to live, but here we must remain, here we must die, sleep…there is no other place…—Y. H. Brenner
Drawing of rectangular courtyard surrounded by fence, with inner tent and fireplace.
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The Tabernacle

Shown here are two slightly different reconstructions of the Tabernacle based on the Bible’s descriptions; many details derive from educated guesses. The first shows the sanctuary compound with its…
Oval seal decorated with garland and four pomegranates at top and Hebrew inscription.
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Seal of Netanyahu Son of Yaush

Found in Jerusalem in the plaza of the Western Wall and possibly made of limestone, the top register of this seal contains a garland of four pomegranates, one of which was damaged when the seal was…

Israel—Little Big Country

The northern Negev and the Negev mountain range Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like watercourse in the Negev They who sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy —Psalms 126:4–5 More than half of the…
Bronze pin decorated with ribbing.
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Toggle Pin

Toggle pins and fibulae were fasteners for garments, and because they were often decorated, they also functioned as jewelry. The toggle pin was a thick straight pin, ornamented on its upper part or…