Bilderbuch (Picture Book)
Adele Sandler
ca. 1905
Sensitive Content
[Picture 1]
[Picture 2]
[Picture 3]
[Picture 4]
[Picture 5]
[Picture 6 of Noah’s Ark]
[Picture 7]2
[Picture 8]
[Picture 9]
[Picture 10]
[Picture 11]
[Picture 12]
[Picture 13]
[Picture 14]
[Picture 15]
[Picture 16]
[Meierin—is both a name and an occupation. A Meierei is a large estate producing fruit, poultry, and milk products (mostly the latter); the Meierin is the wife of the man who owns (or more likely administrates) the place. The Yiddish equivalent would be the arendar’s wife.—Trans.]
[The image (not included) and language of this illustration reflect attitudes at the time of its publication.—Eds.]
Adele Sandler, Das jüdische Bilderbuch [Picture Book] (Frankfurt am Main: Jüdischer Volksschriften-Verlag, 1911).
Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 7.