Louis Golding


The prolific novelist, poet, and travel writer Louis Golding was born in Manchester and educated at Manchester Grammar School and Queen’s College, Oxford. His best-known novels, including Magnolia Street (1932), which won him international recognition, drew on his intimate knowledge of immigrant Jewish life in his birthplace, which he called Doomington in his fiction. Although sometimes hailed as the successor to Israel Zangwill in Anglo-Jewish literature, his work lacked the latter’s staying power and was rarely read after his death.

Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator

Primary Source

Those Ancient Lands, Being a Journey to Palestine

I cannot linger in Egypt. They that came before me tarried too long. I have had the taste on my tongue and the dead air in my nostrils. Enough. That will serve. Zagazig…

Primary Source

I Slept with a Murderer

I slept with a murderer every night of my life for two years. The murderer is dead now. He died some weeks ago in Chicago. That is why I am free to tell the tale. I was a small boy at that time. I…