Creator Bio
Murād Faraj
Born in Cairo into a Karaite family of goldsmiths, Muraˉd Faraj (Mourad Farag) received a traditional Karaite education, learning Arabic and Hebrew, and later earned a degree in law. Faraj became a successful lawyer, serving on the Karaite bet din (legal council) as dayan (judge) and as counsel for Khedive Abbas Hilmi. Faraj produced more than thirty books of poetry, including works on law and Hebrew linguistics, and religious writings in Arabic and Hebrew, as well as numerous articles in scholarly and lay periodicals. He coauthored the 1923 Egyptian Constitution and was a member of the Egyptian Academy for Arabic Language.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
The War for Our Nation
[By “war”] I mean concrete war—rather than a war of words or an incomplete war of demonstrations. I am not in denial regarding the existence of these words or those demonstrations, and neither do I…