The eighteenth-century scribe and illustrator Uri Fayvesh ben Isaac Segal was a significant member of the Hamburg-Altona school of illustrated manuscript production. Seven manuscripts signed by Uri Fayvesh Segal are known, and five further unsigned manuscripts are attributed to him.
21. On the second day of Rosh Hashanah, we pray as on the first day, except that the liturgical poems are different. [ . . . ]
22. And the Musaf service is as on the first day, except that we do not…
Dost thou sleep, my brother Abel,
That thou art so wonderfully fair?
Never have I seen thee
As beautiful before.
Does the beauty lie in my ax,
Or is it, perhaps, in thee?
Before the day is done,
Hear, O Israel, descendants of holy ones: see that newcomers have recently arrived intending to make grapes, but instead have produced wild grapes [see Isaiah 5:2]. There is no local foundation for…