The eighteenth-century scribe and illustrator Uri Fayvesh ben Isaac Segal was a significant member of the Hamburg-Altona school of illustrated manuscript production. Seven manuscripts signed by Uri Fayvesh Segal are known, and five further unsigned manuscripts are attributed to him.
This richly decorated Torah binder is thought to be from Rechnitz, based on its dedication as a gift from Gitl bat Samuel for Samuel ben Leib of Rechnitz in 1750. The Torah binder (also known as a…
Photojournalist Lori Grinker has become well known for her photographs of the aftereffects of war and for her photo essays on her brother’s death from AIDS and her mother’s struggle with cancer. In…
On Tuesday afternoon prayers, when the cantor reaches Taḥanun [prayers of supplication], the groom walks to the door of the synagogue while the congregation recites Taḥanun, and…