Johannes Buxtorf the Elder was a prominent Christian Hebraist. Born in Westphalia in Germany, the son of a minister, he studied at Marburg and then at the Herborn Academy, a Calvinist institution of higher learning. He was professor of Hebrew for thirty-nine years at the university in Basel and was known by the title Master of the Rabbis. He is best known for his book, Synagoga Judaica, a study of the customs and culture of German Jewry.
Geskel Salomon’s portraits are striking for the way they convey the personalities of their sitters; we, as viewers, feel strongly that we are looking at real, flesh-and-blood people. Here, Salomon has…
Among the inspirations for Bar Lev’s paintings were American patchwork quilts, Mexican and Native American art, stained-glass windows, Russian constructivism, and pop art. She combined patterns and…