Solomon Adeni (also known as Shelomo bar Yehoshua) was a Yemenite Jewish writer and talmudist. When he was four years old his family moved to Palestine. He lived in Safed and Jerusalem and eventually settled in Hebron. Poverty stricken, he worked on his commentary on the Mishnah, Melekhet Shelomoh (The Work of Solomon) for thirty years. Though it was not published until the end of the nineteenth century, Melekhet Shelomo is included today in many standard editions of the Mishnah.
This banner of the London Jewish Bakers’ Union calls for (in both English and Yiddish) an eight-hour workday and an end to night work, for people to buy only bread “with the union label,” and for…
Moses Cordovero was a revered scholar and teacher in the kabbalistic center of Safed, which stressed the importance of mystical prayer and kavanah (mystical intention). Tefilah le-Moshe contains kavan…
In the 18th of the Month of Elul: the 5404 year from the Worlds creation, and according to common compute, in 1644. Aaron Levi, otherwise called Antonius Montezinus c…