This calendar, Almanac for the Year 5675: Souvenir der Hochschule Bar Iochai und Altenhaus in Miron, was probably a fundraising giveaway for an old-age home and for the high school that Eliezer Ya…
But would not the existence of a Jewish State, or the efforts to establish it, bring into suspicion the Jews’ patriotism in other countries, or even cause them to be driven to the new State? No more…
On this clay plaque from Dan, from the Late Bronze (Canaanite) period, a man is playing a lute while dancing. The position of the performer’s legs shows that he is doing a lively dance.
This calendar, Almanac for the Year 5675: Souvenir der Hochschule Bar Iochai und Altenhaus in Miron, was probably a fundraising giveaway for an old-age home and for the high school that Eliezer Ya…
But would not the existence of a Jewish State, or the efforts to establish it, bring into suspicion the Jews’ patriotism in other countries, or even cause them to be driven to the new State? No more…
On this clay plaque from Dan, from the Late Bronze (Canaanite) period, a man is playing a lute while dancing. The position of the performer’s legs shows that he is doing a lively dance.