Evidence for the material culture of ancient Israel comes mostly from artifacts and archaeology and attests to the influence of the great empires that surrounded Israel.
Though few musical instruments have survived from the biblical period, the archaeological record includes numerous depictions of people performing music, song, and dance.
Abel Beth Maachah, Land of Israel (Tel Avel Bet Ma‘akha, Israel)
The task of this book was determined by its being part of the Grundriß [der Gesamtwissenschaft des Judentums; Fundamental Study toward the Comprehensive Knowledge of Judaism] series. Based on…
I do not believe in free love.
There is legal marriage, an institution based on ideas and pretenses.
A legally married wife you can divorce, but where will you run away from free love?
As for…
Hittite couple sacrificing to bull, Alaça Hüyük, Turkey. In this relief, a king and queen, or perhaps a priest and priestess, stand at an altar and make an offering before a bull. On the symbolism of…