Charles Wiener had an illustrious career as a medalist in Belgium. His output featured architectural medals (many of which were collaborations with his brother Jacques) as well as royal portrait and exhibition medals. Notable pieces included a portrait of Prince Albert (Queen Victoria’s consort), the city of London, and a medal commemorating the visit of Tsar Alexander II to London in 1874. Jewish subjects included a medal of E. A. Astruc, chief rabbi of Belgium, and a double portrait of Sir Moses and Lady Judith Montefiore.
These are the things that have no set limit [m. Peah 1:1] for the benefactors of the nation, friends and nobles, young and old, and righteous women, who have come together in the gemilut ḥasadim…
This poster was published by the Jewish Welfare Board in the United States just prior to the armistice bringing World War I to a halt. The message was to elicit support from Jewish civilians for the…
Regarding Torah study it should be thus. Each one shall ensure that he learn what he can for at least one hour each day or pay a rabbi for this purpose. If he cannot, he should read the godly books…