Lewis Feuchtwanger was a German doctor and metallurgist who immigrated to New York City in 1829, where he opened a pharmacy and practiced medicine. He became well known for his collection of minerals and for attempting to introduce nickel silver into U.S. coinage, drawing attention to the combustibility of saltpeter. He was a member of scientific societies in the United States and abroad.
This chart displaying the colors of gems and minerals is from A Popular Treatise on Gems and Minerals by Lewis Feuchtwanger, a German Jewish immigrant to the United States, a doctor who was also well…
Some say the word Odradek is of Slavonic origin, and try to account for it on that basis. Others again believe it to be of German origin, only influenced by Slavonic. The uncertainty of both…
This book was printed in Belvedere, outside Constantinople, by Reina Nasi, the daughter of Gracia Nasi, and widow of Joseph. She was the first Jewish woman to establish her own press.