Micha Bar-Am is a photojournalist who documented the Israeli army throughout the 1950s and 1960s and helped found New York’s International Center of Photography in 1974. The Berlin-born photographer immigrated to Palestine in 1936, serving in the army in his late teens. Bar-Am’s photographic career began in 1957, when he was hired as a staff photographer at Bama Hana, an Israeli army magazine. During his time with the magazine, Bar-Am met photojournalist Cornell Capa, who introduced him to Magnum Photos, a photography collective of which Bar-Am became an active member. In 1968, Bar-Am became a correspondent for the New York Times, documenting the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Subsequently, he worked as a curator for the Tel Aviv Art Museum from 1977 to 1992.
To the remnant whom Hashem calls Guardians of the Torah and Doers of His Word. May the Lord our God be with them and may they rise higher and higher
our brethren guardians of the faith of israel!
Many of the seal impressions, with the inscription lamelekh “(Belonging, or pertaining) to the king,” followed by the name of a city, feature a two-winged figure, probably a winged sun disk…
When I stand before you here, Judges of Israel, to lead the Prosecution of Adolf Eichmann, I am not standing alone. With me are six million accusers. But they cannot rise to their…