Creator Bio
Urye Kahan
19th Century
Urye Kahan wrote articles for the early Yiddish weekly Kol mevaser, on topics such as education reform and popular science. He also provided biographies of famous figures in Jewish history. Writing under his own name or under the pseudonym “Ish ployni vekoyen” (meaning "So-and-So ha-Cohen”), Kahan wrote on the need to educate girls as well as boys, and on the need to reform and expand traditional heder education to include grammar, logic, reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
A Few Remarks Regarding the Education of Women
So, is it not an injustice for girls to be so neglected that the refined feelings which are God’s gift to all mankind are often destroyed in them? But if you speak to Jewish parents they will tell you…