The work of Israeli artist Yitzhak Livneh has been featured at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and at many group shows, including Contemporary Israeli Art, in Sienna (2000). He is a recipient of the Pundak Prize, Tel Aviv Museum of Art (2002), and the Israeli Ministry of Culture and Education prize (2005). Livneh teaches at the Bezalel Museum of Art and Design.
The light passes through the curtain and brightens it, spreading a dull glow over the night-table and drawing a single shining line over the edge of the ashtray. The woman’s one eye follows it until…
Shachar began to mold and cast human body parts from life early in his career. Here, hands carry the body of a young girl wrapped in a sheet, perhaps alluding to the Virgin Mary supporting the dead…
Sheep and rams frequently appear in the sculptures of Kadishman, a legacy of time spent as a shepherd in his youth. Sacrifice of Isaac is a reimagining of the biblical story of the Akedah, in which…