Resolution of the Sixth Congress of the Bund: On the Various Zionist-Socialist Factions

The Bund


(Adopted Unanimously)

Bearing in mind:

that the course of capitalist development in those states in which Jews reside is not creating for them the kind of economic conditions that could lead to the necessity of concentrating Jews in an independent territory;

that an independent Jewish territory cannot be the result of class struggle in general, or of the proletariat’s class struggle in particular;

that only along the line of this struggle, which leads to the democratization of the public and political state where Jews live and to the transformation of contemporary society on socialist principles, does the path lie to solving the Jewish question;

that the presence in a given group’s program of the goal of achieving an independent Jewish territory, together with propaganda on the basis of this goal, places the stamp of utopianism and adventurism on its entire policy;

that, in this way, inasmuch as some individual strata of the Jewish proletariat would fall under this group’s influence, its propaganda could only reflect in the most harmful way on their struggle to improve their status locally, could only paint their struggle in the specifically nationalistic shade of petty bourgeois ideology, could only strip the struggle of its proletarian character;

that the more space this goal occupies in propaganda, the more the possibility is excluded of steering the movement in even just a bourgeois-revolutionary and democratic direction;

seeing in the formation of various groups of Zionist Socialists the result of bourgeois Zionism’s aspiration to subject the Jewish proletarian masses to its influence with the help of its insipid quasi-socialist ideology and phraseology, the Sixth Congress of The Bund approves the resolution of the Fifth Congress of The Bund on the necessity of fighting Zionism in all its forms and inflections.

Translated by


Zionist Socialist Workers Party, “O razlitchnykh-sionistko-sotsialisticheskikh fraktziakh” [On the Various Zionist-Socialist Factions], Ocherki po historii “Bunda,” ed. Moshe Rafes (Moscow, 1923), pp. 384–85.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 7.

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