Brooklyn-born contemporary artist Martha Rosler explores social and political critique through a variety of media. She has worked with photography, video, performance, and installation, in addition to publishing a number of critical essays that examine issues of gender, violence, and public space within American culture. Among Rosler’s best-known works are the photomontages she produced between 1967 and 1972, collectively titled House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home, and her 1975 video Semiotics of the Kitchen. Rosler has exhibited at some of the most prominent art institutions in the United States and was the recipient of the 2010 Guggenheim Lifetime Achievement Award, as well as many other national and international prizes and awards.
Aaron:It’s all a plain lie. It’s because our Jews throughout the land in the little villages are so primitive, so stupid, they can’t even read. Anyone will tell them the most absurd things and they…
Religion is one of many paintings with Christian themes by Philipp Veit, whose mother wanted him to become a priest. He first painted it as a fresco for the north wing of the Vatican and then created…
Maurice Ascalon, sometimes called the father of modern Israeli decorative arts, was commissioned to create this sculpture for the façade of the Palestine Pavilion of the 1939 New York World’s Fair…