The descendant of Portuguese Jews who emigrated from Holland to the Caribbean in the seventeenth century, Jacob Abraham Jesurun was a merchant in Curaçao, where his company owned several ships as well as a wharf, dockyard, and coal depot.
Theda Bara (1885–1955) was born Theodosia Burr Goodman in Cincinnati. After completing public high school, Goodman moved to New York to become an actress. In advertisements for the Fox Film Company’s…
The primary register of this handle from Hazor shows two grazing caprids (perhaps deer or gazelles), a popular motif (see “Bulla of Shebanyahu Son of Samak, with Grazing Doe”). Beneath them is a…
Dialoghi di m. Magino Gabrielli Hebreo, sopra l’utile sue inventioni circa la seta (Dialogues of Magino Gabrielli, Hebrew, On the Utility of His Inventions in Silk Production), printed in Rome, is a…