Ancient Israelites lived in houses that often followed the “four-room” or “pillared” style, whereas palaces were more ornate and made from finer materials.
The Age Composition of the Population in the Researched ShtetlekhThe problem of organizing the work resources correctly and rationally is closely connected to the age composition of the population…
Scribes writing lists, Nimrud, late eighth century BCE. Two Assyrian scribes, standing side by side, make lists of booty as it comes in. One writes on a clay tablet and the other writes on a scroll.
Israelites in Assyrian Exile (last third of eighth century BCE):
Ahiyau, an “archer,” Nineveh
Hoshea, a slave, Nineveh (680 BCE)
Neriyau, “chief of accounts,” Gozan
Paqaha (Pekah), an estate manager…