The eighteenth-century scribe and illustrator Uri Fayvesh ben Isaac Segal was a significant member of the Hamburg-Altona school of illustrated manuscript production. Seven manuscripts signed by Uri Fayvesh Segal are known, and five further unsigned manuscripts are attributed to him.
“Blessed be He who shows loving kindness to the undeserving, for he requited me with every kindness” in the dead of night, on Monday, in the early morning of the 9th of Kislew…
To Section I, which deals with the Haggadah itself, I have added six other sections.
Section II, entitled “Moses, our Teacher,” is a collation of midrashim, which discuss his attributes…
The princes of the peoples gathered together [see Psalms 47:10] to restore the crown to its former glory and to pray in the great synagogue before sunrise, as was done previously and in past times…