The proliferation of the press and travel by steamship (and toward the end of the period, railroad) brought descriptions of far-flung parts of the world and reports about Jews living in them from one corner of the globe to another.
The Goal: To develop in our land a cadre of Jewish guards fit for this task.
The Means: 1. To organize the operating guards in the colonies.
2. To become acquainted with and to prepare in the colonies…
Leonore (Rachel) de Alvaro da Costa (1669–1749), the second wife of Don Francisco Lopes Suasso, was descended from a wealthy Portuguese New Christian family who fled the Iberian Peninsula and settled…
Sifre ‘evronot—manuals for calculating the Jewish calendar, including leap years and holidays—were a popular genre of Ashkenazic illustrated manuscripts in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries…