Letter Hailing Shabbetai Tzvi as the Messiah

Eliah ben Michael Judah Leon


Manuscript page with Hebrew writing and Latin signatures underneath, with seal and ribbon on right side.
This letter hailing Shabbetai Tzvi as the Messiah was signed by twenty-four prominent members of the Amsterdam Jewish community who had founded a learned society, Yeshuot Meshiho, in his honor. It was widely believed that 1666 would be the apocalyptic year. However, in that same year Shabbetai Tzvi was arrested by the Ottoman authorities and, threatened with death, converted to Islam. He was abandoned by all but his most faithful followers.


Collection Ets Haim — Livraria Montezinos, Amsterdam, EH 47 A 11 001.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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