I must now say something of the condition of the Jewish schools in general. The school is commonly a small smoky hut, and the children are scattered, some on benches, some on the bare earth. The…
Uzziah’s reinterment inscription, Jerusalem. King Uzziah (reigned 785–733 BCE) was a leper and therefore, according to the book of Chronicles, could not be buried in the royal tombs and so had to be…
Hershele:For a long time . . . The first evening that you were with us, on Hanuka . . . you said that . . . that Freydenyu . . . my wife’s niece . . . that . . .Mischief:What could I have said about…
In 1861, the Swiss Philanthropic Society of Buenos Aires founded Swiss House (Spanish, “Casa Suiza”) as a place for new Swiss immigrants to connect through social gatherings and philanthropic meetings. Its main hall became a performance venue for diverse musicians, dancers, and theater acts, including, as evidenced here, Yiddish-language ones catering to the city’s Jewish immigrant population. It also served as a space for political gatherings. Starting in 1928, an Afro-Argentine organization called the Shimmy Club started using the space to celebrate carnival and other holidays through drumming and dance. In 1978, the military regime banned the activities of the Shimmy Club. Still, the basement of Casa Suiza served as a refuge for activists under dictatorship. Many consider the demolition of Salon Casa Suiza in 2015 to be consistent with larger efforts to erase Afro-Argentine history and cultural memory.
I must now say something of the condition of the Jewish schools in general. The school is commonly a small smoky hut, and the children are scattered, some on benches, some on the bare earth. The…
Uzziah’s reinterment inscription, Jerusalem. King Uzziah (reigned 785–733 BCE) was a leper and therefore, according to the book of Chronicles, could not be buried in the royal tombs and so had to be…
Hershele:For a long time . . . The first evening that you were with us, on Hanuka . . . you said that . . . that Freydenyu . . . my wife’s niece . . . that . . .Mischief:What could I have said about…