The Crisis of Jewish Colonization in Argentina

Leon Chasanowitch


Chapter VIII. What Should Happen?

The situation in Argentina is crying for change. If we don’t want the Jewish colonists to vanish into anonymous misery and oppression; if we don’t want the colonies to continue to eject their inhabitants and populate the city ghettos with them; if we don’t want the entire colonization project in South America to fall apart like a house of cards; and if we don’t want Jews in the South American republics to get an even more shameful reputation; if we want to have a viable colonization organism in order to ease the great poverty of Jews and depopulate the city ghettos and regain the respectability of Jews—then we must carefully consider carrying out a comprehensive reform of our colonization project in Argentina; the entire process of colonization must be changed fundamentally. Abandoning [Jewish] colonization in Argentina is not an option. I would see this as one of our biggest national tragedies. Whether it was historically correct to start settling Jews in this country is another question. Now, this colonization has already taken place—there exists a large urban Jewish population in the La Plata Republic, whose people look at them flabbergasted—and if the colonization is abandoned now, this would only strengthen the prejudices of the Christian population against our people. This would mean leaving the Jews in Argentina behind on top of a volcano. No! Those who consider this option may have the best intentions, but they misunderstand the interests of the Jewish people.

Of course, many things have been ruined forever, but not all is yet lost. A healthy core of colonists can and must be saved. The burning desire for land among the children of the colonists and the “immigrants,” and the strong colonization drive of Jews in Argentinian cities itself could achieve a great deal if the course of colonization would finally change. Thus, in order not to limit ourselves to criticism, we will lay out a rough draft of a reform program, and will include the necessary and possible direction we need to take in order to continue the colonization work successfully and correct the mistakes that have been made. This in itself, however, is not sufficient. The administration of the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA) does not suffer from a shortage of ideas as much as a shortage of ideals. Its servile bureaucracy and unwavering indifference would annul even the best plan. It must be forced to change its process of colonization; every step forward will have to be like pulling teeth, extracting them by force. To achieve this, two things are necessary: a sturdy colonist organization and the energetic involvement of Jewish public opinion. The colonists must fulfill their obligations toward themselves and toward world Jewry, and world Jewry must also finally remember their obligations toward themselves and their pioneers in the land of the Cordilleras. Only through the cooperation of these two factors will the JCA be forced to make concessions to East European Jews, to common sense, and to humanity.

Reform Program

How should we put the Argentinian colonization process onto the path of true progress and growth? This question consists of two parts: how should we correct—if this is even possible—the mistakes that have already been made, and how should new colonists be settled?

In Chapter III we describe the character of the Jewish colonization material and we determine that their advantages and disadvantages can be balanced out. Finding this balance is the task of goal-oriented colonization activity. According to the aforementioned ideas we can sum up the foundations of a successful Jewish colonization in a few words: freedom, inexpensive credit, agricultural knowledge, cooperation, living as close together as possible, and sociability.

The entire policy of guardianship must stop, JCA must give up its supercilious role as “improver of the people,” and it must continue to colonize according to capitalistic principles but without capitalistic goals. The people it settles should not be treated—as they have been until now—as mere objects of the colonization, dead objects with no will and no understanding that can be pushed around freely. Rather, they must be viewed as the subjects of colonization; their will and disposition must be respected in every way. Together, with the responsibility for their own actions, they must also have freedom of movement, a clear short-term goal whose achievement will depend exclusively on their own energy and effort. The sooner the colonist can attain ownership of his farm the better; he should not encounter obstacles in this process; on the contrary, he should be supported in it. He must know that his years of hard work will be richly rewarded with the joy of ownership, the proud feeling of being an independent landowner. It is possible that some colonists will not be able to take advantage of this freedom, but the consequences of this must serve as a lesson for others. Imagine the work, spirit, and diligence it would arouse if the colonists knew that it depended only on them whether they would become independent or not! The role of the colonizing JCA must be limited to “aristocratic assistance” that does not humiliate the person receiving it, and that helps him get on his feet as soon as possible. [ . . . ]

The Obligations of Jewry

The despotism of the JCA will not be broken without powerful intervention by the Jewish public. The independence movement of the colonists can expect to be successful only if it is supported by strong public opinion. It is true that the JCA doesn’t care much about what the people think, but when the public expresses their opinion in a strong enough tone, when the will of the Jewish people is organized well and expressed in a loud voice, the relevant factors of the JCA won’t be able to ignore it indifferently. The power of the current management of the JCA is based on their hypocrisy. If the mask is torn off their faces, they will not be able to rule over the people any more.

I am not so conceited as to expect that the Jewish public will pass its final judgment on the topic based solely on this writing and that it will stand up against the JCA management. This is the writing of a single person. My accusations must first be investigated on the premises by trustees of the Jewish people. For this purpose they must send an investigative committee to Argentina that should consist of some well-known and trustworthy personalities who will travel to the colonies and convey their impressions and judgments to the public. The idea of such an expedition is not new. Aleksander Zederbaum [1816–1893], the editor of Ha-Melits recommended the same thing in the early1890s when there were fiery discussions in the Yiddish press about Argentina. The fact that this idea has not since been realized reflects badly on the Jewish people, especially on the Jewish intelligentsia. But what has not yet happened will now be easier to accomplish. The place to discuss the details of the project and the expedition is in the press. [ . . . ]

Despite the great distance, the JCA’s Argentinian colonization must be put under the democratic supervision of the Jewish people throughout the whole world. A segment of Jewry is constantly bleeding in South America, and world Jewry must intervene on their behalf. Against external enemies and natural forces we are often powerless. But that Jews should be oppressed by other Jews, and especially by those who are supposed to be their benefactors—this cruel game, the latest one in our woeful history—must be stopped as soon as possible. This can and must happen.


Translated by





Leon Chasanowitch, Der krizis fun der yidisher kolonizatsye in Argentine un der moralisher bankrot fun der IKA- administratsyon [The Crisis of Jewish Colonization in Argentina] (Lemberg: Stanisloy, 1910), pp. 117–19, 125–26.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 7.

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