Cover, Di malke Shvo: dramatishe poeme
Moyshe Broderzon
In 1920 and 1921, Broderzon, the guiding force of Yung-yidish (Young Yiddish), a literary and artistic group he co-founded in Łódź, published over half a dozen books of poetry and plays. Prolific and multi-talented, he illustrated many of his own books in a striking abstract style, including the cover of this play, Di malke Shvo (The Queen of Sheba). The journal published by Yung-yidish was subtitled Lider in Wart un Zeichnugen (“poems in word and drawings”), expressing the group’s desire to put visual and word art on an equal footing by combining text with drawings and woodcuts.
Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 8.