The son of a prosperous German Jewish wool merchant who had settled in Bradford, England, the painter William Rothenstein studied in London and Paris. He was known especially for his portraits of famous men, over two hundred of which are in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery in London, and for his work as an official war artist in both world wars. At the turn of the century, he produced an important group of paintings of East End immigrant synagogue life, but, aside from his portraits of contemporary Jews (such as that of the graphic designer and lithographer Barnett Freedman), he never returned to Jewish subjects in later decades.
I have been considering for a long while responding with my opinion on the law and the truth concerning occasional improper events that occur thus. For years wars have raged between kings, as is well…
This necklace of beads is predominantly of orange glass but incorporates stone beads and gold spacers as well. The beads range in shape from bi-conical to cylindrical and also include larger…
When will the walls of prejudice collapse,
That split the fraternal human tribe into foes?
Will the flame of love, illuminating the earth,
Disperse the grim darkness of ignorance?
—Meanwhile the sun…