Creator Bio
Yehouda Shenhav
b. 1952
Born in Beersheva, Yehouda Shenhav is a professor of anthropology and sociology at Tel Aviv University. Shenhav has written about social justice, class equality, and post-colonialism. He is a founder of the Mizrachi Democratic Rainbow Coalition, and since 2000 has been editor of the journal Teoryah uvikoret (Theory and Criticism). Shenhav is a recipient of the Elon Prize.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
The Arab Jews: A Postcolonial Reading of Nationalism, Religion, and Ethnicity
Some time ago, as I sat down to work in a Tel Aviv café in the area where I live, an elderly man suddenly approached me. “You are the son of Eliahu Shaharabani, of blessed memory,” he said, half…