Shaul Shoḥet


Shaul Yedidyah Shoḥet was an Orthodox rabbi who served at a number of pulpits in the United States. Born in 1862 to a rabbinic family in Kovno province (today Kaunas, Lithuania), he was ordained and served as a community rabbi for fourteen years. Shoḥet immigrated to Hull, England, in 1905, serving there for a short stint before moving to America the following year. In the United States, he served in pulpits in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and Kansas City, Missouri, before settling in Chicago as the rabbi of the Beth Aaron Synagogue in 1916 and later in Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to his pastoral work, Shoḥet wrote novellae on the Talmud and published his halakhic rulings. His writings were popular in Europe, and after his immigration his further publishing efforts were supported by his synagogues in Chicago and Louisville.

Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator

Primary Source

Bar Mitzvah Sermon: On Jewish Education and Secularization

[ . . . ] Some [Jewish] people have children who may be likened to seeds, others who can be likened to vegetables, and yet others, to thorns. When parents raise their children in the ways of Torah…