Creator Bio
Sebastian Jugendres
Sebastian Jugendres was a Christian Hebraist, historian, and scholar of heraldry in Nuremberg, Germany. He is known for his reworking of Jüdisches Ceremoniel (Jewish Ceremonial Customs), originally published as an antisemitic tract in Erfurt, Germany, in 1717, into a second edition with a more neutral tone and copious illustrations.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
Synagogue Service for the New Year
This illustration depicting Rosh Hashanah services in a synagogue appeared in the book Jüdisches Ceremoniel (Jewish Ceremonial Customs), by Paul Christian Kirchner, a Jewish convert to Christianity…
Primary Source
Preparing for Passover
This illustration depicting Jews baking matzah and cleaning the house for Passover appeared in the book Jüdisches Ceremoniel (Jewish Ceremonial Customs), by Paul Christian Kirchner, a Jewish convert…