Creator Bio
Moses Belmonte
Moses Belmonte was a poet and translator who wrote in Spanish. He was born in Amsterdam shortly after his family took refuge there from the Spanish Inquisition. His father, Jacob, was one of the founders of the Jewish community in Amsterdam. His Spanish translation of the Song of Songs was published in Hebrew characters in several editions of the Bible printed at Venice, and then in Amsterdam, in 1644, under the title Paraphrasis Caldaica en los Cantares de Selomo con el Texto: Traduzida en Lengua Española.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
Portrait of Simcha Vaz (1582–1643), painted by her son, Moses Belmonte
Simcha (Gimar) Belmonte (born Vaz; 1582–1643) was the wife of Jakob Israel Belmonte (a poet, writer, and trader). She and her husband were among the founders of the Jewish community in Amsterdam after…