Creator Bio
Jewish Socialist Federation of America
The Jewish Socialist Federation of America (JSF) was formed in 1912 as one of the Socialist Party of America’s (SPA) language federations. operating in Yiddish, the JSF united Jewish socialists for whom this was their mother tongue; it produced, translated, and distributed Yiddish socialist propaganda materials and published a weekly, Di naye velt (The New World). The influx of more radical and pro-Communist elements into the isF sparked internal conflict. The outcome was ultimately a split and the creation of the Jewish Socialist Verband (JSV). The minority of the JSF stayed within the Socialist Party, and the federation continued to function.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
The Revolutionary Land of Russia
Cover of Dos revolutsiyonere Rusland (Revolutionary Russia), ed. A. Litvak and B. Salutski.