Isaac de Matatia Aboab
Isaac (Ishac) de Matatia Aboab was a wealthy merchant and well-known member of the Sephardic community in Amsterdam. His manuscript of moral exhortations, addressed to his eldest son, was printed in Portuguese in 1687 as Doutrina Particular (Particular Doctrine). He also composed a history tracing the Aboab family back to 1497, a collection of stories, canticles, riddles, and other curiosities, a manuscript of moral exhortations addressed to his nephews (Documentos para todo estado e ydade, e em particular para abituar bem os moços desde sua moçidade â vertude; Documents for Every State and Age, and in Particular to Accustom Young Men from Their Youth to Virtue), a treatise on the medicinal usage of precious stones, and a play in Spanish titled El perseguido dichoso (Harassed but Happy).