Creator Bio
Felix Lembersky
Felix Lembersky was a Ukrainian painter whose works departed from the conventions of Soviet painting, bringing personal and historical truths into social consciousness. A formally trained artist, Lembersky studied at the Jewish Arts and Trades School in Kiev and the Russian Academy of Arts in Leningrad. He survived the Nazi siege of Leningrad in 1941 but lost his family to the Holocaust. In addition to including Jewish symbols and imagery, Lembersky’s painting often represented the harsh realities of Soviet life in a colorful, impressionistic style.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
Untitled, Execution: Babi Yar series. Nizhny Tagil or Leningrad
Felix Lembersky’s three Babi Yar paintings were among the first artistic representations of the Nazi massacre in Kyiv, when, over the course of two days in September 1941, over 33,000 Jews were…