Creator Bio
David Conforte
David Conforte was born in Salonika, to a family of scholars. He lived in Palestine for a while, where he opened his own yeshiva. In 1671, he was appointed the rabbi of Cairo. Conforte’s Kore’ ha-dorot (Reader for the Generations) lists the names of all Jewish scholars from the close of the Talmud to his own day. It is divided into three parts. The first two cover the period before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, while the third is not ordered systematically. The book was probably finished around 1678, but was first published in Venice in 1748.
Entries in the Posen Library by This Creator
Primary Source
Kore’ ha-dorot (Reader for the Generations)
And after the rabbi [Joseph Karo] went to Safed he studied in the study house of the rabbi, our master, Jacob Berab, and became a disciple of our master R. Berab, as is written in several places. The…