Jewish Wedding

Jan Luyken


Print engraving of indoor scene with people standing around couple under large canopy with musicians in background.
In this engraving from a Dutch translation of Leone Modena’s Historia de’ riti Ebraici (History of the Jewish Rites), a Jewish wedding in Amsterdam is pictured. Groom and bride stand under the huppah (wedding canopy). Jan Luyken (1649–1712), the prolific Dutch engraver, produced expressive depictions of Jewish rituals, creative illustrations of figures and themes from the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Gospels, and later created a variety of images for a Latin translation of the Mishnah, published at the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century.


Courtesy Amsterdam Museum.

Published in: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 5.

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